Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2nd Try

Weight: 210
So I am trying it again. The second 6 week go. Well today is my first day to be strict about the diet. Though I lost 5lbs when I was on my loading days so who knows.

I have more motivation this time to be successful, and have also started exercising more. I feel more confident in my ability to abide by the diet. Lets just see.

I think why its so difficult for me is because I have always eaten what I wanted and not cared so much about how it effected my body. Wish me luck!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 35

So I haven't done well at all! I started to, lost the 11 lbs I gained over Thanksgiving. Why do I feel the need to eat bad for me when I know I am eating bad? :(

I am having an apple day, but since its only ten to ten in the morning I can't say how well it is going. I have been drinking water, taking the drops today. I have an apple sitting next to me, though I am waiting for it to get to room temperature before I bite it.

Anyhow, I will update later. I plan to be really good on this diet for the three weeks that K is out of town so that when he comes back he is like... wow! haha Lets hope.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 17

Weight: 207

I am updating the measurements so here is the previous ones.

I lost a couple inches everywhere! It makes me feel great!


  • Weight: 215
  • Chest: 44in.
  • Abdomen:
  • Waist:48 in.
  • Hips: 50 in.
  • Top of L Arm:16 in.
  • Top of R Arm: 16 in.
  • Top of L Thigh: 30 in.
  • Top of R Thigh: 30 in.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 15

Weight: 207

For the last few days I haven't lost anything, so I didn't update this at all. But I lost two pounds and I had to update.

I have been trying to stick to this diet, its so hard though. I have been very busy lately so I haven't been updating as much. I will try to make it a point to write on here.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 11

Weight: 209

I haven't been eating very good on the diet. I keep saying I will do well, but I don't. I need to buckle down again because I want to reach my target weight by my son's birthday in April.

I will aslo be updating my measurements today. :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 8

Weight: 210

I started my period so I am pretty confident that the weight standstill isn't that I have been eating bad. Which I sort of have. I just think its my bloating.

I vowed that tomorrow I will eat right all day long and not eat bad. Working in fast food is hard because I can eat for free most of the time so I don't feel the need to bring a lunch.

I need to get back to the diet in a big way. I need to be serious about this. I have already noticed that some of my clothes fit better. Button up shirts no longer have that snowman effect.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 7

Weight: 210

I ate bad yesterday, so I was actually expecting to gain. Though I didn't! Woot! So I am being really good today. Taking my lunch to work so I am not tempted.